
Why We Are Attracted To Others


When we come into this world we are whole in our innocence, but we are also evolving into wisdom. Through the journey of life, we come to realize the “why” of being – we stop just existing in a vortex of superficiality and we move towards purposeful creation. The self (the mind) desires to know WHY it chooses the path it does, just as any scientist wants to know why the sky is blue. It is not enough to simply say “the sky is blue,” it is part of our nature to want to know why. That is  encoded into us to seek for higher knowledge and journey of what knowledge is a beautiful thing indeed. 

This is what Earth is all about, finding your “reason for being” and your ultimate home frequency so you can become the highest version of YOU.

So why do we feel pulled towards others? What is the mechanism of the instant attraction we sometimes feel that can be so undeniably magnetic? As we are all energy, the same energy that was present at the very point of the expansion of the universe we are all quite literally part of everything and everything is part of us. However in this expansion there was also a desire for experience and learning.  As all that is, continues forever to know what it is, it also has created very unique expressions of its nature in duality.  With all things having their equal counterpart what is of the same likeness will be pulled together with great force.  Many many within a soul group frequency will naturally find each other along the way, in the story of the adventure of creation.  But as each only has one core home frequency there is as well an ultimate mirror of what exists for each and every form of life.  This mirror is the other part of us quite literally, and although it does not complete us (we are already perfect and complete)….it will feel like the safest, most beautiful place to rest. 

So what about our traumas and brokenness? As we live our lives, small pieces of our essence are pulled away as we get hurt and as we experience the contrast and lower vibratory experiences here on earth. These experiences cause us to shut off certain aspects of ourselves. We close off certain energy centres to protect ourselves and also to buffer the pain and suffering we feel. This can also be referred to as coping.

It is always the core desire for all beings to feel whole. So when our soul identifies a quality we have lost or have never cultivated within another being, we use that person as a mirror. Sometimes we mistake that mirror for romantic love. Please do not misunderstand me – I am not saying that all or any romance is a mistake.  What I am trying to teach is discernment in attraction. There is only truly ONE LOVE that is created perfectly for any being and that love is divinely directed. This was the purpose for union to create new life.  In the expression of union in the physical form (meaning two bodies joining) – in a physical expression of union…..a new life and therefore a new energy is born.  

It is unfortunate that so many humans have lost this understanding….and the patience to use the body wisely.  This is in a sense some of the brokenness of this world.  Human’s not understanding the magnetism of attraction and misusing the body from its original true purpose.  However….one can not feel frustrated with this, within the free will system everything and all things are always learning.  So even in misuse knowledge and wisdom are gained through the mechanism of contrast. 

When you are dealing with karmic magnetism or any type of resonance within your soul family (those entities that match your core frequency closely): interactions of this type of bond will teach you many great lessons. 

Through this codependent attraction pull you feel you will learn to piece yourselves back together with each encounter.  In this process you may lose other factions of yourself along the way, but the goal is always to recalibrate. This can be a long and hard journey. 

With any attraction it is important to evaluate it closely –  it may be beneficial to identify the attraction as something within that person you actually wish to build within yourself and you can use that person as a mirror to learn from.  A person can also show you perhaps things about yourself that you don’t like through their reactions to you. Now, please do not assume that all negative reactions from others mean you need to change. For everyone is a mirror to everyone else – we are all learners and we are all teachers. Just try to watch closely who you feel repelled from and who you wish to move closer to…..attraction is very wise on an energetic level (it knows things the logical mind does not) – so listen to the wisdom of attraction. 

You must ultimately understand that no one else can complete you. You must first complete yourself fully. Relationships should not be about control and dominance, but should be about the sharing of two completely whole beings that bring joy to each other through their connection. There is no fear involved with this type of energy exchange. There is no judgment, there is only a perfect connection of love. Because both parties are already fully balanced, therefore seeking nothing outside of themselves to complete what they are. This is the way to seek and create a balanced love.  This is also why it is not good to look for or gravitate to external beauty. Physical Beauty is fleeting in a material world. Physical Beauty while also captivating will not fully fulfill your soul’s mission and desire.  The expression of love is multi-faceted it is so complex and dynamic that it is meant to be everlasting. Eternity is also not something that a human brain can compute ….so don’t try.  Just trust that all is well. 

What this means is that you must honour all relationships as growth tools. You must have gratitude for them, but a wise man will seek to discern WHY any form of relationship has appeared. You may also find patterns in relationship exchanges that appear with frequency in your life. The universe is trying to remind us over and over again saying learn from this!   You may have to experience the same pattern many times until you completely understand the “why” of what it means to be whole.

Let me offer an example. Let’s say you are a giving person and you give and give too freely and open your heart with the abundance of love and gifts and essentially the keys to the kingdom. But you do not pre-qualify those you give to, ensuring they are positive and deserving beings. There might be takers that seek only to learn all they can and take all they can with no love or respect for you. What is the lesson here? The lesson you are meant to learn is to read and study the intentions and true auras of others before you invest into them. They will often show you their true colours quickly through both major and minor disrespect. But these are the red flags and warning signs that are teaching you to read other people accurately. The “why” is simple, you are learning this because it is helpful to know others for what they are so you can be at your highest good and service by building a team of authentically aligned beings. These patterns will repeat and come in many forms until you solidify the lesson into your heart and soul.

This can be true of romantic relationships as well. We can love the exterior of a person, but in doing so you are fixating on the physical and creating an imbalance. This will lead to unbalanced thoughts and an unbalanced nature. When we position our thoughts too heavily on the body, the mind will too often sink to lower desires that have little to do with true love.

You may ask, what is the point? Well, you can just look at the state of the world. People go from one meaningless relationship to another meaningless relationship with everything based on an external attraction. Little to no consideration is given to character and mental stimulation and energy that is being cultivated and exchanged. This is a drive-through approach to connection that will leave you not only morally bankrupt, but spiritually desolate as well.

We need to build a society that can relearn the power of connection and what it means to foster true and lasting love. The love that is born from time and patience and not a sexy selfie. The type of pairing that is matched on respect and kindness and a spirit of learning and desire to know another deeply, not just for the mask they wear. Anyone can nip and tuck and fill and add just like a gaddy Christmas tree. But the things that will actually stand the test of time take a much more concerted effort.

If you want to end up with a queen, be a king in all that you do. Likewise, if you want to end up with a king, build yourself into a queen. That means building capabilities and attributes the best that you possibly can, in all facets of living. Hold yourself to the highest standard. And you will come to know what love truly is. 

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