Your final incarnation on planet earth, and the journey home how do you know

A prayer of peace – when everything falls apart

Chasing Paper? Where is your balance? (Part 1)

Chasing Paper? Where is your balance? (Part 2)

Letting Go of What you Desire will actually bring happiness, joy and abundance

What Happens When We Die? – How to Live Your Best Life without Fear of Death (Part2)

Are you afraid of Death? What Happens When We Die? The Truth that the Soul Continues on (Part1)

When the student is ready the teacher will appear

What will the after life look like

Where do you go when you die if you choose the service to self path

Timelines and life plan (Part 1)


The shadow self and transforming your inner world

The Spirit of Passion and Perseverance – Why you should never give up

Spiritual Amnesia

Never dim your own late for this world You’re unique core soul frequency is needed

Series: What advice I would give my daughter, about walking a righteous and honourable path in life

Triggers, the Blame Game and how we need to seek self correction first

How alcohol and drugs destroy your conscious equilibrium and soul vibration

Childhood trauma, triggers and existing as an adult from a broken home

What happens to our bodies and our souls when we die? Where do our loved ones go? – Part 1

Who you hang around becomes you so choose wisely and pick high vibrational people

You can’t hurry divine love wait for your king or queen

Negative verbal communication and self esteem, bullying and suicide

Soul contracts, sole, activation, and high level, soulmate meetings, twin flames divine counterparts

Ego (conditional love) VS Divine mind (Unconditional love) how to ascend

The egos need for constant validation – learn how to move into service to others and your true love

This is the last twin flame explanation video you will ever have to watch

Can we opt out of karmic relationships or the karmic cycle while here on earth

Toxic famine traits, wounded feminine spirit and how it affects how men see women

Twin flame scams, charging for spirituality, and the truest nature of unconditional love and service

Not every soul incarnated here is still working with karma some simple come to teach through…

Keeping your word not only to yourself but other people as well

Sticking to your values and not falling into temptation

Being Present and grateful for everything in this moment

Creating solid relationships

The real you still exists you just have built many walls of protection

The misconception of what divine love is – because it’s all sources of live energy combined

Anything that offends you is blocking you and showing you what YOU still need to work through

Is reincarnation a real thing? My experience with the non-physical realms and past life experiences

The value of depth over multiple varied distractions of superficiality – learning through a focus

Energetic patterns, karmic lessons, history repeating its self and generational cycles (Part 2)

Energetic patterns, karmic lessons, history repeating its self and generational cycles (Part 1)

When setting goals for manifesting ensure you are tapping into your souls purpose

Past lives why do some souls remember and some don’t