Our word is your wand, help to use internal and external words to tame fear and depression


3, 6, 9 Manifestation Technique

Do not make assumptions – how to manifest a beautiful life

To be impeccable with your word – How to manifest your best life

Letting Go of What you Desire will actually bring happiness, joy and abundance

when the universe (God) burns everything in your life down, it is always for a purpose and that is growth

What Happens When We Die? – How to Live Your Best Life without Fear of Death (Part2)

Are you afraid of Death? What Happens When We Die? The Truth that the Soul Continues on (Part1)

A course in Miracles introduction

The Law of Balanced giving

When the student is ready the teacher will appear

The art of paying it forward and transforming the divine matrix with light in love

You are not your body ….you are using a body while on earth to facilitate your souls progression

What will the after life look like

Where do you go when you die if you choose the service to self path

Manifestation (Part 1)

Manifestation (Part 2)

Core frequency, timeline jumping and interpersonal relationships (Part 1)

Law of assumption (Part 1)

Law of assumption (Part 2)

The journey of spiritual awakenings

Spiritual Amnesia

Advise for my daughter, about beauty, body image and finding true joy (Part 1)

Advice for my daughter about finding love – you can’t hurry love

What happens to our bodies and our souls when we die? Where do our loved ones go? – Part 1

You are not your body ….you are using a body while on earth to facilitate your souls progression

Faith unseen forces, quantum energy and the non physical realm, learning how to trust spirit and you

Higher dimensional integration and increases sensitivity as we can hold more light information

The concept of our perception of time and how projecting yourself into the future or to the past

Not everyone can love you at the intensity of your heart space frequency love them anyway (Part 1)

Not everyone can love you at the intensity of your heart space frequency love them anyway (Part 2)

The power of the spoken word, automatic writing, subliminal, and mirror work to manifest

Ego (conditional love) VS Divine mind (Unconditional love) how to ascend

The pain of the separation of an earth incarnation from spirit and desire to return home to oneness

Introduction to a course in miracles

How to live fearlessly from your core soul frequency and authentic life path

Not every soul incarnated here is still working with karma some simple come to teach through…

Do not take action through fear to create your dream world take all action through love

Why worry and assuming the worst blocks your ability to manifest trust in the universe

Karmic partners and difficult times and energies are there to mold you

Two incredible tools for purification, ascension to raise your vibration

Moving from a conditional way of thinking into unconditional living the source of deep peace and joy

Taking responsibility for your actions and how that leads to extreme levels of healing

End self limiting beliefs in 2024 and become expectant of amazing things, you can create anything

The misconception of what divine love is – because it’s all sources of live energy combined

Do we have more than one divine counter part or twin flame? How do we know?

Stuck in the middle of mental health YOU are not broken. We just need to build a kinder world

Want to create a fairytale love story – you must be spiritually anchored first and here is why

Moving through your own rock bottom – why losing everything can lead to spiritual awakening

The distortion of unworthiness… You were created in perfection you just have to remember this

The universe does not perceive good and bad only transition of energetic states

Manifesting your dreams is all about knowing what you want and knowing it is yours 100%

A time or rebalancing the polarities – divine feminine and divine masculine energies are hear

Do not lean on your own understanding, as humans we find it hard to go on faith alone

Learning to join your proportions with the mind of God. Asking what is really in alignment

Accessing various timelines and how the transmission of your own vibratory field effects

The energy of miracle mindedness – how our ability to believe a constant thought without doubt

Putting your words into fruition to create the life of your dreams

Earths journey, our current level of awareness, vibrational configuration of light and information

When setting goals for manifesting ensure you are tapping into your souls purpose