Your final incarnation on planet earth, and the journey home how do you know

A prayer of peace – when everything falls apart

What Happens When We Die? – How to Live Your Best Life without Fear of Death (Part2)

Are you afraid of Death? What Happens When We Die? The Truth that the Soul Continues on (Part1)

What is love, What is lust? (Part 1)

What is love, What is lust? (Part 2)

Twin Flame (Part 1)

Twin Flame (Part 2)

Balanced Divine Feminine Energy – sacred union – Roadmap to Divine Love (Part 1)

Balanced Divine Feminine Energy – sacred union – Roadmap to Divine Love (Part 2)

Shifting Soul Timelines, Soul Contracts and Soul Family Incarnations, Recognition at a Soul Level

Twin Flame question and answer

Learning to love your own vibration, body image (Part 1)

Learning to love your own vibration, body image (Part 2)

Timelines and life plan (Part 1)

The journey of spiritual awakenings

Why you need to be diligent to honoring all your connections, don’t ever take anyone for granted

The shadow self and transforming your inner world

Spiritual Amnesia

Telepathic communication and moving into 5D reality

Advise for my daughter, about beauty, body image and finding true joy (Part 1)

Advice for my daughter about finding love – you can’t hurry love

Never dim your own late for this world You’re unique core soul frequency is needed

Childhood trauma, triggers and existing as an adult from a broken home

Masculine Anger and Feminine Hysterics Chaotic Vibrational Emotions and how they effect relationship

What happens to our bodies and our souls when we die? Where do our loved ones go? – Part 1

How to Live and Act with Integrity in all you do – how to increase positive manifestation

Faith unseen forces, quantum energy and the non physical realm, learning how to trust spirit and you

Divine union and the individual path for each unique soul that is on the twin flame journey

Divine union and the individual path for each unique

You can’t hurry divine love wait for your king or queen

Not everyone can love you at the intensity of your heart space frequency love them anyway (Part 1)

Not everyone can love you at the intensity of your heart space frequency love them anyway (Part 2)

Soul contracts, sole, activation, and high level, soulmate meetings, twin flames divine counterparts

Ego (conditional love) VS Divine mind (Unconditional love) how to ascend

The egos need for constant validation – learn how to move into service to others and your true love

This is the last twin flame explanation video you will ever have to watch

Can we opt out of karmic relationships or the karmic cycle while here on earth

Introduction to a course in miracles

Toxic famine traits, wounded feminine spirit and how it affects how men see women

How to live fearlessly from your core soul frequency and authentic life path

What good spiritually aligned women really want honor your queen

Twin flame scams, charging for spirituality, and the truest nature of unconditional love and service

Do not take action through fear to create your dream world take all action through love

You need to become empty to know what you want to fill yourself with detach so you can reconnect

Karmic partners and difficult times and energies are there to mold you

How to practice high vibrational soul frequency in the face of frustration or trauma

What is expansion consciousness and the dissolution of self? When you upgrade to a new version

Two incredible tools for purification, ascension to raise your vibration

How to build a beautiful long term relationship. Marriage is truly the starting point

Creating solid relationships

The real you still exists you just have built many walls of protection

Steps back to self – some tools that can help call back the pieces of yourself

The misconception of what divine love is – because it’s all sources of live energy combined

Do we have more than one divine counter part or twin flame? How do we know?

Does everyone have a twin flame? Or divine counter part? And where are they?

Blockages you need to be aware of that can prevent divine connection within all relationships

Is reincarnation a real thing? My experience with the non-physical realms and past life experiences

Want to create a fairytale love story – you must be spiritually anchored first and here is why

Embodiment of the divine feminine trait

The healed divine masculine what does his energy FEEL like and why this is so important

Moving through your own rock bottom – why losing everything can lead to spiritual awakening

The distortion of unworthiness… You were created in perfection you just have to remember this

Manifesting your dreams is all about knowing what you want and knowing it is yours 100%

Learning to join your proportions with the mind of God. Asking what is really in alignment

Unified thought and increasing the power of your creation abilities through non resist thoughts

The value of depth over multiple varied distractions of superficiality – learning through a focus

Don’t let a bitterroot expectancy block your manifestation abilities in life or love

Personal sovereignty projection and interpersonal communication, neutral, unconditional, loving energy

Slow down and let life unfold, the beauty is to learn how to flow with life

The scared journey of the soul into a body, realizing that one’s body is a scared space

You get what you allow in relationships and how you treat others and they treat you

When setting goals for manifesting ensure you are tapping into your souls purpose

If you have a broken heart it’s showing you that all love comes from you

Past lives why do some souls remember and some don’t